The Women’s Giving Circle of North Central Florida is a group of women who combine their resources to address the philanthropic needs of women and girls in the Gainesville community. The Circle is a special initiative of the Community Foundation that enables women to direct their giving in purposeful and strategic ways. Members are women of all ages and professions from our community.

Our current initiatives

Together we bring these initiatives to life.

Back to work 50+
Here we explain briefly the goals of the program and how its being done, relevant details.
Peaceful Paths
Here we explain briefly the goals of the program and how its being done, relevant details.
Girls Place
Here we explain briefly the goals of the program and how its being done, relevant details.

Ready to Join?

When you join the impact is felt immediately. We accept applications year round and it is never too late to get involved. Our women strive for growth in the community as well as in themselves. (Membership is based on a $1,000 annual contribution or $500 for members under 40)

Contribute and join

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